Sunday, November 10, 2024

Russia's sewage system crisis

Please read the article at: Russian Statistics Service indicates that 22.6 percent of Russian households aren't connected to a sewer system

"Sewer systems in Russia have been neglected for decades. Many citizens do not even have access to working water closets, and some public infrastructure has literally collapsed due to unmaintained sewage lines. However unattractive this fact may be, it should be taken seriously as it attests to wider societal problems in Russia." - Russia’s strange acceptance of the sewage pit, New Eastern Europe website, 2019

Russia sewer system facts

  • First place: Russia has the largest population share of any developed nation with no access to indoor plumbing
  • Family values: 45% of Russian families with multiple children are not connected to centralized sewage systems
  • Fetid water: 88% of wastewater does not meet purification requirements, but gets dumped into Russian waterways nonetheless
  • Why are these numbers so high? It’s mainly due to endemic social issues: high poverty levels, the slow decay of rural villages, high tariffs placed on dwindling remote populations, and a lack of municipal rights are all contributing factors

Russia's indoor toilet crisis

"According to data put out by the Russian Statistics Service 22.6 percent of Russian households aren't connected to a sewer system, most of them in rural areas. Russian commentators are divided about how vital an achievement modern toilets are." - What do outdoor toilets tell us about Russia?, What do outdoor toilets tell us about Russia?, Euro Topics Press Review, April 3, 2019

Russian social stability is threatened by a lack of indoor toilets in rural areas? Russian commentators are divided!  See: You can't run a state without warm toilets

Question: Does Russia have a sewage system crisis? 

Judge for yourself after reading these articles:

America's sewage system is better than Russia's TERRIBLE sewage system

Russian Statistics Service indicates that 22.6 percent of Russian households aren't connected to a sewer system

They Bought Premium Housing Outside Moscow. They Still Can't Escape Russia's Decaying Infrastructure.

Skyscraper-high sewage plume erupts in Moscow

180-Foot Fountain of Feces Erupts From Sewer in Dramatic Video

Western sanctions impacting Russian underground infrastructure

Russia compared to the waning years of Roman Empire before its fall

The decline of the Roman Empire's infrastructure was mainly caused by a lack of dedicated funding for maintenance, political turmoil (Russia recently has its Wagner Group rebellion), and the vastness of the Roman empire (Russia is a very large country and Russia is having increasing difficulty to defend Russia. See: Essay: Is Russia a failed state?) making it difficult to manage and repair infrastructure effectively, leading to aqueducts, roads, and other public works falling into disrepair, especially during the later stages of the Roman empire; as more resources were diverted towards military defense against barbarian invasions, funding for infrastructure projects dwindled significantly.

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