Monday, February 17, 2025

Germany's AI-powered, autonomous, and affordable combat drones. Russia's electronic warfare will have problems with these drones!

Please read:  Ukraine orders 6,000 loitering munitions from Germany’s Helsing

"This new batch [of HX-2 loitering munitions] positions Helsing among the largest strike drone manufacturers in the world," said the company.

The AI capabilities of the platform make it resistant to electronic warfare detection and it has been designed to strike artillery and armored targets out to a range of 100km, according to a product profile.

Additionally, the integration of Helsing’s Altra reconnaissance and strike software enable deployment of HX-2 drone swarm formations.

“The HX-2 has been designed to be produced in large quantities and at a unit cost significantly lower than traditional systems, filling a growing gap in modern land warfare capabilities,” the company added.


Friday, February 14, 2025

Good news for Russia on the horizon?

Russia's most serious problem in relation to it being on a path of decline is its demographic crisis (See: Russia's demographic crisis ). 

Obviously, being engaged in a bloody war of attrition in Ukraine is not making this crisis any better. 

I am cautiously optimistic that the USA/West will hammer out an amistice or peace deal with Russia in 2025 - hopefully in the first half of the year. Please watch the video below. 


Sunday, February 9, 2025

No Signs of Inflation Slowdown Yet, Russian Central Bank Says


Please read: No Signs of Inflation Slowdown Yet, Russian Central Bank Says

"Andrey Kostin was asked in an interview with state-owned TV channel Rossiya 24 whether the Russian Central Bank’s key interest rate could reach 25% next year and responded that it was difficult to predict because the process was “led by women”. “Yes, when women lead the process, almost anything is possible,” he said." - Russian CEO blames interest rate volatility on Central Bank governor being a woman, Novaya Gazeta Europe website, October 2024

Russian economic meltdown as light industry 'collapses' and thousands of firms go bust. Oil prices plunge. Sanctions bite

Please read:   Russian economic meltdown as light industry 'collapses' and thousands of firms go bust The Kremlin is grappling with ...

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